Srce ZGrada visual identity

Srce ZGrada

A month after the earthquake in Zagreb, the Civic Initiative Srce ZGradaannounces the establishment of a citizens’ association to actively participate in the reconstruction process.

There are two basic principles for this initiative:

  • the leading role of the profession in all stages of damage repair and restoration
  • citizen monitoring on the other.

The Civic Initiative Srce ZGrada is in the process of establishing an association that will bring together citizens of the city of Zagreb and its surroundings, primarily those whose apartments, houses and other property have been damaged or devastated by the recent earthquake.

Građanska inicijativa “Srce ZGrada” mjesec dana nakon potresa u Zagrebu pokrenuta je kako bi se aktivno uključila u proces obnove.

Dva su temeljna principa:

  • vodeća uloga struke u svim fazama saniranja štete i obnove
  • monitoring građana s druge strane.

U postupku je osnivanje udruge koja će okupljati građane grada Zagreba i okolice, primarno one čiji su stanovi, kuće i druga imovina oštećeni ili devastirani nedavnim potresom.

Year | Razdoblje: 2020

Role | Uloga: Visual identity

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