Positive thinking | Pozitivne misli

Croatian version below – Hrvatska verzija u nastavku

If you can count all the thoughts that go through your head every day and classify them into two categories – “positive” and “negative” – ​​you might be surprised at how much time you spend each day on negative thoughts.

That is why it is extremely important to learn how to recognize negative moments in our day and learn to take control of them instead letting them control us.

Words I can notI will not, I do not want a simple decision to replace with the words I can, I want, I will.

Do not waste your precious time on negative thoughts or feelings, no one benefit from them, especially you. But with a positive attitude and thinking, you will make amazing changes to your life. Why? Because we really are what we think. Be aware that your thoughts affect every cell in your body so they have an impact on your overall health. Positive thoughts are HEALTY thoughts.

Look at this kitty in the picture. Can you convince her she is not a lion? Not likely.

Believe me, I have had and currently have a miniature dog with the heart and the attitude of the Great Dane,  and as much as we are trying to convince them that they are “small,” every day they clearly shows us that they are really “great”.

Begin with positive thoughts today as you look at the lion in reflection of your own mirror ?

Pozitivne misli

Kada biste mogli izbrojiti sve misli koje vam svakog dana prođu kroz glavu te ih svrstati u dvije kategorije – “pozitivne” i “negativne” – vjerojatno biste bili iznenađeni otkrićem koliko vremena svaki dan potrošite na negativne misli.

Upravo zbog toga je izuzetno važno da se istreniramo prepoznati negativne trenutke u našem danu i naučimo preuzeti kontrolu nad njima, umjesto da oni kontroliraju nas.

Riječi Ne moguNećuNe želim jednostavnom se odlukom mogu zamijeniti s riječima MoguHoćuŽelim.

Nemojte gubiti svoje dragocjeno vrijeme na negativne misli ili osjećaje, od njih nitko nema koristi, a najmanje vi. No, pozitivnim stavom i razmišljanjima napravit ćete i za vas iznenađujuće promjene u životu. Zašto? Zato što zaista jesmo ono što mislimo. Budite svjesni da vaše misli utječu na svaku stanicu u vašem tijelu pa tako imaju utjecaj na vaše ukupno zdravlje. Pozitivne misli su ZDRAVE misli.

Pogledajte ovu macu na slici. Možete li ju uvjeriti da nije lav? Teško.

Vjerujte mi, imam minijaturnog psića sa srcem i stavom danske doge i koliko ga god pokušavali uvjeriti da je on “mali”, svako malo nam poprilično jasno dokaže da je zaista “velik”.

Počnite s pozitivnim mislima već danas gledajući lava u odrazu vlastitog ogledala ?

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