Do you need additional evidence of the positive thinking good effects? Let’s go than.
Dr. Deepak Chopra, an American physician in his book “Perfect Health”, points out that the cells of an optimistic man, a person “packed” with positive thoughts, produce “happiness hormones” that heal throughout the body. In the case of negative thoughts (apathy, depression, hatred, sadness, psychic pain, hopelessness, jealousy, envy …), or when the mental body is filled with dissatisfaction, human cells excrete a “negative substance” which has harmful, often devastating effects on health .
Of course, every stress, even with the weakest intensity, can have a negative effect on health. If we can not avoid it, it is necessary to heal it. The first step is to reduce or to alleviate stress with mental and physical relaxation. There are a number of relaxation methods – from Jacobsen’s advanced muscle relaxation techniques, through various meditation techniques to yoga, hypnosis, biological reactions, healing, and autogenic training.
Scientific research has undoubtedly determined that stressed persons are significantly less likely to suffer from stress-free individuals.
Negative emotions – such as anger, anger, depression, guilt and frustration – weaken the human immune system and make the body more vulnerable. In the NASA scientific report created some thirty years ago, the astronaut immunity is being disturbed by the stress of their work and returns to normal after some time being carried out without stress.
Lonely people, people with the burden of helplessness and hopelessness, patients who unwittingly accept the disease or do not want to fight it, are not only more likely to suffer, but also experience faster disease progression.
Positive emotions – such as love, humor, laughter, and creativity – enhance immunity and protect person from illness and helps us to heal faster. American psychiatrist Dr. Berthold Schwartz claimed that people who surrender or give up on the fight against disease – are starting to abandon their own life energy, which leads to death. That, so-called. “Psychic Suicide” often occurs when someone lose loved ones, or is disappointed with life, or loss job, or finding out they have incurable illness.
Therefore, in the choice between positive and negative thinking, in the interest of one’s own health, there should be no dilemma.
Enough? 🙂
Originally posted on 25 November 2004
Hormoni sreće
Trebate dokaze dobrog djelovanja pozitivnih misli? Krenimo redom.
Američki liječnik dr. Deepak Chopra u knjizi “Savršeno zdravlje” ističe da stanice optimističnog čovjeka, osobe “nabijene” pozitivnim mislima, proizvode “hormone sreće” koji iscjeliteljski djeluju na čitav organizam. U slučaju negativnih misli (apatija, depresija, mržnja, tuga, psihička bol, beznađe, ljubomora, zavist…), odnosno onda kada je psihičko tijelo ispunjeno nezadovoljstvom, ljudske stanice izlučuju “negativnu supstancu” koja pogubno, počesto razarajuće djeluje na zdravlje.
Dakako, svaki stres, pa i onaj najslabijeg intenziteta, može negativno djelovati na zdravlje. Ako ga već ne možemo izbjeći, potrebno ga je liječiti. Prvi je korak u smanjenju, odnosno ublažavanju stresa – psihičko i fizičko opuštanje. Postoji velik broj metoda opuštanja – od Jacobsenove napredne tehnike za opuštanje mišića, preko različitih tehnika meditacije do joge, hipnoze, bioloških reakcija, iscjeljivanja i autogenog treninga.
Znanstvena istraživanja nepobitno su utvrdila da osobe pod stresom znatno lakše obolijevaju od pojedinaca bez stresa. Negativne emocije – kao što su bijes, ljutnja, depresija, krivnja i frustracija – slabe ljudski imunološki sustav pa je tijelo podložnije obolijevanju. Tako je u znanstvenom izvješću NASA-e, prije tridesetak godina, objelodanjeno kako imunitet astronauta u najboljoj formi biva narušen zbog stresa njihova posla, a vraća se u normalu nakon što neko vrijeme provedu bez stresnih događaja.
Usamljene osobe, ljudi s teretom bespomoćnosti i beznađa, bolesnici koji ravnodušno prihvaćaju bolest ili se ne žele boriti protiv nje ne samo da češće obolijevaju, nego doživljavaju brži napredak bolesti.
Pozitivne emocije – kao što su ljubav, humor, smijeh i stvaralaštvo – čovjeku snaže imunitet, štite ga od bolesti i pomažu mu, kada se pojavi bolest, u bržem ozdravljenju. Američki psihijatar dr. Berthold Schwartz tvrdio je da ljude koji se predaju pred životom ili odustanu od borbe protiv bolesti – počinje napuštati vlastita životna energija, što dovodi do smrti. To, tzv “psihičko samoubojstvo” često se javlja kod gubitka voljene osobe, razočaranja u ideale, gubitka posla ili saznanja o postojanju vlastite neizlječive bolesti.
Dakle, kod izbora između pozitivnog i negativnog mišljenja, u interesu vlastita zdravlja, ne bi trebalo biti dileme.
Dovoljno? 🙂
Prvo objavljivanje 25. studeni 2004