The ADSEE project
Role | Uloga: AUC team member
Year | Razdoblje: 2020-2021
The main objective of the ADSEE project is to deliver useful educational and training programme in data science. Project tasks include development of educational modules, adaption of contents and methods according to envisaged needs of the target groups. Modules will include creation of interactive didactic tools and production of guidelines and recommendations on innovative education approaches in DS. Special attention will be paid to data science in non-technical universities and its application in nontechnical business without previous knowledge in this area.
The innovativeness of the project lies in the modular approach allowing tailor-made courses development, according to the participants’ specific prior knowledge and competences (or in absence of that knowledge/competences). All modules will be accompanied with a fully functioning online piloting repository which will contribute to the development of participants’ new skills and experiences by delivering material in full-scale training case (“from business problem to business usage”). That will fill the gap between increasing demand and limited supply of business sector for practical training methods and approaches.
The partnership comprises 5 partners : Algebra University College Croatia (AUC); University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands; German National Library and Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Germany; Faculty of Information Studies, Slovenia; Arctur ltd, Slovenia.
My responsibilities as a AUC team member include:
- Development of educational modules scenario selection, module development and simulation case development
- Business problem/task decomposition (whitepaper, up to 5 pages)
- Approach analysis for business problem/task to be tackled by data science methods (methodology, up to 3 pages)
- Results decomposition (whitepaper, up to 3 pages)
- Operationalization of results in business environment (guidelines; transferable to different industries)