Role | Uloga: Coauthor and co-editor
Year | Razdoblje: 2006
Planned and wrote scenario and text for content; assembled, edited and proofread finished content and assembled for integrating into application (Flash based), checked compliance with ECDL Foundation eCitizen syllabus; supervised team meetings, monitored and reported progress to CEO; documentation regarding project development, promotion of the project.
e-Citizen is specifically developed for people with a limited knowledge of computers and the Internet. The e-Citizen certification programme is divided into three learning blocks;
BLOCK 1: FOUNDATION SKILLS – gives the candidate the necessary skills and knowledge for basic computer and Internet use. This block covers:
- The computer
- Files and folders
- Simple applications
- Internet basics
- Email basics
BLOCK 2: INFORMATION SEARCH – makes the candidate aware of the nature and extent of information available on the Internet in the areas of news, government, consumer, travel, education / training, employment, health, interest groups, and business. This block covers:
- Searching – wide range of internet sources
- Precautions – issues & risks
- Reliability of information
BLOCK 3: E-PARTICIPATION – Building on the computer and search skills already acquired, this block completes the skills set necessary for the candidate to become an e-Citizen. This block covers:
- Online services
- Practical applications
Company: Elit-trade d.o.o.